
Arto of Online Reading Part II

(This is Part II of Art of Online Reading. If you haven't read it yet, click here )  3.    Reading Set-Up – Scientifically, your r...

(This is Part II of Art of Online Reading. If you haven't read it yet, click here

3.   Reading Set-Up – Scientifically, your reading set up can optimize your reading experience. Here are some important pointers coming from Cornell University’s Optimal Online Reading Guidelines. You can read the entire file which also offers additional tips for visually impaired readers and technical set up for your screen.
a.    LCD Monitors are better than the usual Cathode Ray Tube Monitor for reading purposes. No Flicker and bigger screen.
b.   Choose adjustable screens with tilt feature. Make it sure that your neck doesn’t need to adjust to the screen.

c.    If buying the CTR Monitor, make it sure that it has high refresh rate and should be a flat screen.
d.   25” – 30” from reader’s eye
e.    Adjust the screen’s brightness and contrast to the lighting condition of your working area.

     4.   Reading Tools. Believe it or not there are a dozen of online tools that can help your reading experience a habit to look forward for everyday.

a.    Readability – an app that will turn web pages into an easy to read, text-based, and ad-free pages.  
b.   Reading Glasses – This will turn distractions into blurry objects so you wouldn’t bother reading other elements on a webpage. It’s free add-on.  Just select the text that you would like to read and ignore the rest that distracts you.
c.    Reasy – This works like a flashcard that could really help your reading speed.  There are other apps mentioned in the article Tips for Better Online Reading. You can check it one by one. I only mentioned those tools that I usually use in reading.

    5.   Environment – It’s best to read in an environment which you are comfortable with. Fight off the distractions. You learn better when you put your heart and mind to it without distraction.

    6.   Skim or Critical Reading – I suggest skimming if you are reading a topic that you are already familiar with and if your purpose is for supplemental reading alone. Critical reading is more applicable when you are not familiar with a topic. Learn more about online reading by taking this free modules.

    7.   To skip an unfamiliar word or not? - It’s not unusual to read words which you are not familiar with. What I do is jot them down and look for meaning in my vacant hours. When I was in college, I was able to compile at least 200 pages of highfalutin words (which is quite an achievement for a logophile like me).

     8.   Love Learning – This pointer is the best advice that I could pass to you. There is no better way to learn than loving what the fact that you are learning new things. Don’t mind the jack-of-all-treats-master-of-none bashing. I believe this is only for the incapable; those who cannot retain diversified knowledge on things and choose to master one field because that’s all they can. Let learning and self-education be your buddy J

This has been a long post but I believe that this article is just the tip of the iceberg. Consider improving the art of online reading and learn more than you usually do. Don’t forget to share this article ;)


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